Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Pictures

Well, since it's been sooooo long since I posted any pictures and I have discovered that I have been really bad at taking them this fall, the following is an assortment from the last several months :)

The boys and their bows...

Bekah as the Grumpy Cat at the school's book character parade (their version of Halloween). I actually forgot my camera on Halloween and have no pictures from the actual day :(

Soccer! Bekah is in the blue.

I love this picture. The trophies had little soccer balls that spun around so as soon as they got them they were enthralled for several minutes.

My awesomely delicious turkey at Thanksgiving! OK, Tim helped me smoke it a little bit.

Roller skating for the first time. She actually got pretty good...right before we had to leave.

When she opened this gift at her party, there was a resounding "OOOOOOOO!!!" from all the little girls. It was so cute. What girl doesn't like shiny, pretty things?

More birthday party...Bekah's friend Maddy in the yellow had a birthday on the day of the party so Bekah wanted her to blow out the candles with her.

More skating. From left, Paul, Bekah and Alyssa.

Paul and his volcano. Such a fun project!

1 comment:

Dane said...

Bekah is just cutie patootie with those glasses, okay, she's also without them, but still....

Beautiful turkey, btw, mine ended up, coughburntcough, but just on the crusty top. We still ate it. Then we got sick. ;)