Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to School

For the kids! I still have two weeks of freedom...if you call deep cleaning the house and finishing random projects freedom. Already I'm behind. But that's what happens when you can't breathe and end up sleeping on the couch.

The goal for today: take down Christmas. Always bittersweet. I also need to call the piano tuner, order books and clean the kitchen.

Speaking of ordering books, why is it that the professors don't put the required textbooks up until the last second? Do they not realize that some of us order them online and they have to be mailed? Grrrrrr....

Other goals for the next two weeks: see New Moon and get a pedicure. Maybe I should do those first :)

1 comment:

Dane said...

I vote for the movie and pedicure, perhaps they'll help you forget you can't breathe. :)