Friday, March 12, 2010


Just some random shots of Bekah from the last couple of weeks.
She had an assignment to write a paragraph of an experience she had. Well, she whined and whined that she couldn't think of anything so I finally just pulled out all the pictures from the Yellowstone trip to remind her (btw, she loves to pose for the camera).

Playing defense on her new soccer team. They've had one game. No win but we have lots of potential!

Our project. We are weeding this flower bed in hopes of planting strawberries, tomatoes, and anything else that sounds or looks good.

This one taken just today at recess. Bekah and her friends Grace and Maddie. So sweet!!!

Business Fair

Fifth grade had their business fair today. The students have to come up with a product to sell (I think the teachers give them a list of ideas), they have to market it (make a poster), and sell it in the gym on the appointed day (yell at each student who walks by). So here we see Paul and his partner, David, eagerly awaiting their next customer.

Their product was paper clip flippers. Bent paper clips that will flip any object a few feet away when pressure is applied correctly. They come in multiple colors. Please feel free to send in your orders.

For an extra fee, you can also purchase specialized objects to flip with your paper clip flipper.

And here are the industry moguls counting out the number of tickets which indicates how many items have been sold.

We are still trying to figure out the purpose of this unit of study since we had to have a lengthy discussion with Paul about how businesses don't get their supplies donated to them by their mothers and then count every sale as pure profit. I do know that they enjoyed being out of the classroom for a whole day!

Car Conversation

Here's how it went on the way to school this morning (maybe not exact words but it's pretty close!):

Paul: I love chipmunks. Chipmunks are so cool.

Bekah: Yeah, chickmunks are cool.

Paul: They are my second to pigs. Pigs are the best!

Me: (Laughing hysterically inside my head.)

Paul: Pigs are so awesome and oinky...

I can't remember anymore because then I started thinking about how I had to put it on the blog as soon as I got home. Pigs...really? That must have been some powerful eye medicine he took last night :)

These kids crack me up!