Friday, June 22, 2007

Addendum to Six Flags

Well, my computer is screwing up and that last post did not make it all the way! Grrrrrrrrr! Anyway,

Us adults enjoyed the bigger roller coasters. Tim isn't a huge fan so James and I rode some together and had a great time until James had an unfortunate accident with a toe. Without going into detail, James did not ride anymore that day, but he is fine. His toe will be fine in a couple of weeks but he is not in pain, so don't worry. He graciously watched the kids for awhile so Tim and I could ride a coaster together.

I probably had more to say, but I don't remember anymore. I'm trying to get pictures up. My computer does not want to load them but I'm still trying to check back again!

1 comment:

Dane said...

Just reading about roller coasters is making me a little queasy, but it sounds so fun! Good luck getting the pictures up.