Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Utah Trip June 2008 - Part Two

We stayed with Tim's brother Jason and family for several days and had a lot of fun with them. We drove the Alpine Loop which gives great views of the mountains, especially Mount Timpanogas. Below are Paul, Bekah and their cousin Zachary.
Family photo.
Mount Timpanogas
Here we are hiking the trail to Timpanogas Cave. It was hard! Very steep mile and a half long trail with cliffs on one side. We were constantly watching the kids and telling them to stay on the safe side of the trail.
Tim, Paul and Bekah high on the mountain.
Part of the trail actually cuts through the mountain.
The kids made it to the top! Here they are at the cave entrance. You can see the elevation on the trail. We started about a thousand feet below that, I think. Do they look tired?
This was the next day as we recuperated from the hike! Tim and Jason talking about who knows what.
Bridal Veil Falls.

Paul and Zach at the bottom of the falls. They are in the background climbing up.