Monday, June 1, 2009

Geology Field Trip

So, what a fun trip this was. This post may only be interesting to those that enjoy rocks and flowers. This particular rock is called Llanite and is only found in two places on the planet! You can see the little blue crystals that are in it, that's what makes it so special. It is very hard and the samples I brought home were picked up off the ground. The lab guy couldn't even make a dent with his rock fact, the hammer was dented, not the rock!
Here is some Texas Pink Granite. Pretty stuff and to show off my knowledge, it is comprised of quartz, potassium feldspar and biotite.

Bluebonnets, of course. This picture was taken specifically for Bekah who loves flowers and bluebonnets especially.

This is graphite schist with an igneous intrusion running through it. That was pretty cool. And there were lots of "schist" jokes going around :)

My prof took this picture of me (left) and my classmate Hannah on either side of a fault. I think faults are neat. And I am now a geology geek!


Dane said...

Geeks are the best! Cool stuff--I'll make sure Daniel takes a peek tomorrow.

Peggy said...

I'll be bringing my samples with me and I have a few to give him.